What is Sensory Sensitive Santa & where can I find one in Durham?
For some kids, a visit to the Mall Santa is way too stressful. Enter Sensory Santa, a low-stress source of holiday cheer!
Updated November 25, 2024.
Sensory Santa, sometimes referred to as “Silent Santa” is an opportunity for children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder to visit Santa in a quiet and welcoming, sensory-friendly environment. Sensory Santa's can be found at certain local malls and are sometimes held before the malls open when it's quieter. The time set aside for Sensory Santa is exclusive for children who need sensory sensitive environments and their families.
Visiting with Santa
A downloadable PDF social story about visiting Santa.
Sensory Santa is all about making holiday experiences accessible in a quiet and welcoming environment. If you’re looking for a Sensory Santa near you a quick search on Google may yield a result. Try searching for “sensory santa” and “silent santa” using your location and if that doesn’t work we recommend searching via sites like Eventbrite or through your local autism advocacy organization. In Ontario that would be AutismOntario.org.
If you live in Durham Region or the surrounding area check out these Sensory Santa events:
Shops at Pickering City Centre
December 8, 2024: 9:00 am - 10:30am
*When booking, click Events & select Sensory-Friendly Santa from the drop-down list.