What is Sensory Sensitive Santa & where can I find one in Durham?
Sensory Santa, sometimes referred to as “Silent Santa” is an opportunity for children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder to visit Santa in a quiet and welcoming, sensory-friendly environment.
Making the holiday experience more accessible for individuals with autism
Explore ways you can make the holiday season more accessible and enjoyable for individuals with autism/autistic individuals.
5 Ways I made Christmas more enjoyable for my child with autism and my entire family in the process
Oh, Christmas. What a joyous time filled with new experiences. The lights, the baking, the snow, the crowded house and the malls, the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree. All those wonderful events and smells, the loved ones that you associate with at such a joyous time of year. It was not always so wonderful for our family though.
What is Sensory Sensitive Santa?
Sensory Santa, sometimes referred to as “Silent Santa” is an opportunity for children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder to visit Santa in a quiet and welcoming, sensory-friendly environment.