What is a "Body Map" and how can it help autistic kids/kids with autism cope with anxiety?
A body map is an exercise you can do with your child to help bring more awareness to their body's response to situations that trigger their anxiety.
7 Essential tips for parents for working with your BCBA from a Parent/Practitioner
Behaviour Consultant and Mom, Tarra McPail provides 7 essential tips for how you should approach your child's behaviour therapy plan with your BCBA.
Sesame Street and Autism tools for instrumental activities of daily living
On their Sesame Street & Autism site, Sesame Street is providing interactive daily routine cards that specifically focus on instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) like going to a birthday party and activities of daily living (ADLs) like washing hands.
What is reinforcement and how does it change behaviour?
Reinforcement is a consequence following a behaviour that will increase the future likelihood of that behaviour occurring again.
Providing Choices
Providing choice is a behaviour strategy that can lead to positive outcomes for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder or intellectual disabilities including. This guide provides tips and resources for using choice as a strategy to adapt behaviour.
First Then Strategies
First Then strategies are helpful in setting expectations for your child by showing them what they first need to do in order to gain access to a desired item or activity.
Making Homework Successful
Tips to Help Make Homework Successful: Practical strategies that you can use in order to make homework time a successful time.
Using Token Boards in a Token Economy
Token boards can be used in a number of ways to teach people on the autism spectrum new behaviours or help decrease problem behaviours using symbols to reinforce positive actions.