Inspiration Brian Stanton, Marketing Inspiration Brian Stanton, Marketing

The Superpowers of autism

Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses and, within our unique communities, we can share some common ones. It's no different for autistic individuals. Here are some of the unique "superpowers" autistic people may possess.

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Press Release, Public Service, Inspiration Janice Capes, Human Resource Administrator Press Release, Public Service, Inspiration Janice Capes, Human Resource Administrator


This is a copy of the DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION COMMUNITY of PRACTICE (DEI CoP) – DURHAM REGION’s Commitment Statement issued by the committee on Tue, Oct 20, 2020, at 9:01 AM in response to the disturbing news on school yearbooks emanating out of Pickering, ON. in which a black student’s yearbook tribute to his grandmother was replaced with a racist slur

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Inspiration, Parenting, Edcuation Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant, Mom Inspiration, Parenting, Edcuation Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant, Mom

Parenting and Autism – A parents perspective on the service and the education systems

Immediately following ‘the diagnosis’ I informed the school and meetings were held, and magically there were answers and strategies available to help my child learn. Although this started off positively, I soon realized that the strategies the school had were from a list of ‘known fixes’ and they were going to use these, and only these, strategies. The truth is that the education system has been struggling for a while to get the right supports and staff in place for children with varying needs.

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Inspiration Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant, Mom Inspiration Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant, Mom

Parenting and Autism – A Mother’s Thoughts on Autism and Person First Language

Person first language is considered the correct way to refer to an individual with a label; with a disability. There is a widespread and pervasive understanding that we should see ‘the person first’ or ‘the person - not the disability’…. I challenge this notion as I find it places a negative and ableist understanding of disability, of autism, onto a person.

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Inspiration Brian Stanton, Marketing Inspiration Brian Stanton, Marketing

Entertaining Your Kiddos: 5 Fun Sensory Activities

In this trying time, we’re all simply doing our best to find fun activities for our families to do. Below is a list of sensory activities that may occupy your kiddos and maybe even you too! Sensory activities are beneficial for entertainment as well as keeping the kids busy while parents have the opportunity to get some chores done (i.e., dishes, laundry etc.).

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Inspiration Cathy Stapleton, BSc. KIN, AUBS Inspiration Cathy Stapleton, BSc. KIN, AUBS

5 Things You Can Do At Home Other Than Watch TV Or Browse Social Media

During this uncertain time, many people are finding it difficult to keep busy, If you’re anything like me, maybe your default activity to keep you busy has been using your phone to browse social media or binge-watching your favourite show on Netflix. Regardless, I’ve noticed whatever I’ve chosen to do hasn’t been very meaningful, so I thought I’d share some ideas of some things that I have done and you can do to avoid excessive use of screen time.

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Inspiration Leslie Bosman, RBT Inspiration Leslie Bosman, RBT

8 Money Saving Tips for Feeding your Family on a Budget

Saving money is always a win, but as the world struggles to deal with our new pandemic reality, financial constraints seem to be at the forefront of many people’s minds. Being a mom of 4, I have learned a thing or two about stretching the family budget to ensure everyone is fed, clothed and entertained. Here are a few simple, yet effective things you can do to feed your family well on a budget.

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Inspiration Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant, Mom Inspiration Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant, Mom

Parenting and Autism – Journey to a Diagnosis

Tarra McPhail, Behaviour Consultant and mother to a son with High Functioning Autism shares her story of trying to get an Autism diagnosis for her son. How her expertise and instincts led her journey and the challenges to find help.

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