Healthy Sexuality for Adults
Contact Natalie Driscoll for more information:
343-227-6822 or email
A 10-week program for adults with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disabilities to gain knowledge about healthy sexuality and relationships.
Topics can include:
Different types of relationships
Public vs. private acts
Many roads to relationships
Sexual feelings and attractions
Communication and decision-making about sex
Online dating and social media
Session Dates
When: 10 Weeks Starting week of July 28, 2025
Time: Weekly exact time TBD
Where: In-person at 900 Hopkins Street, Whitby, ON. L1N 6A9
Eligible Adults will be 18 years and older, have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder/Intellectual Disability and must provide their own transportation to and from sessions.
Individual Skill Requirements
Joint attention skills • Discrimination skills • Echoic skills • Motor imitation skills • Ability to follow common 1-step instructions • Participate in sessions with limited caregiver assistance • Ability to sit independently for 20 minutes • Safety concerns and challenging behaviour are low and/or caregivers are able to safely manage any challenging behaviour
Participation Requirements
Access to an internet connection • Electronic device • Private space for learning
To Register
For DSO-eligible clients residing in the Durham Region make a referral through Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) at 1-855-277-2121.
Register by July 21, 2025.
Due to capacity limits, making a referral through the DSO does not guarantee a spot until Lake Ridge has confirmed your registration.
For non-DSO eligible clients or those residing outside of the Durham Region, a group fee applies. Book a call with the Service Navigator here.
Register by July 14, 2025.
Fee: $926.95
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