Adult Education Groups

Group programs for adults with autism or intellectual disabilities.

In-person & virtual educational group programs provide adults with autism and those with intellectual disabilities a supportive and collaborative environment to develop beneficial skills while connecting with their peers. Groups run for 8-10 weeks at a time, once a week for 1.5 hours per session.

Explore Adult Groups

  • 🤗 Building Lasting Friendships

    A 9-week group program that teaches social and communication skills needed to build friendships.

  • 🤝 Healthy Relationships

    A 9-week group program that teaches how to navigate different types of relationships.

  • 🌹 Dating 101 for Adults

    A 9-week program teaching how to develop and navigate healthy romantic relationships.

  • 😡 Handling Anger

    A 9-week group program providing coping and emotional regulation strategies.

  • 🥰 Healthy Sexuality

    A 10-week program providing knowledge and skills in support of healthy sexuality and relationships.

  • 💻 Internet Safety

    A 9-week group program teaching safe and secure internet usage.

  • 🧘‍♀️Adapted-Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

    Participants enhance skills in the areas of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.