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Agency Highlights

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Lake Ridge Community Support Services (LRCSS) continued to broker funds for the DSB services operated through Sunrise Youth Group (SYG).

SYG successfully returned to full capacity as well as their pre-COVID-19 programs and routines. The virtual day program continued to be a success. This program is utilized by the day program members on their off days and the recreation members who do not currently attend in-person programming. Attendance and interest remain high for the virtual program. Day program members and employees can successfully transition to a virtual program during any unexpected closures.

SYG continued to have 28 members (7 full-time, 21 part-time). SYG was able to accept 5 new members for the day program as 5 members decided to move on either due to health issues or other opportunities. The day program currently has a waitlist of 14 individuals interested in specific days and/or who are waiting to graduate high school to join. This number decreased over the last fiscal year as the day program spaces became available and were accepted by individuals on the waitlist.

The day program has four full-time employees, two part-time virtual employees and eight on-call employees who ensure that SYG provides outstanding support for all members. The programs are creative and innovative while modified to meet the varying needs of members.

In January 2023, the kitchen received a much-needed renovation. The renovation consisted of an update as well as an increase in size. As a result, the day program expanded cooking and baking programs which have assisted members in developing important life skills.

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Service (MCCSS) annually fund $71,238.42 to offset the cost of $189,402.76 to operate the day program and the balance is paid through member fees. Over the 2022-2023 fiscal year, MCCSS provided additional financial support of $21,724.76 to offset the additional costs of COVID-19 and virtual programming.


Durham Staff Training Committee

LRCSS also brokers the Durham Staff Training Committee fund. This fund enables developmental service agencies to plan and access additional training throughout the year. The training committee continued to adapt and organize many virtual training events to support learning and development for all staff across the sector. Some training was also offered in person, where appropriate. Topics offered over the past year included mental wellness, skill development for challenging behaviour, housing navigation, diversity, person-directed planning, and, again, training for a deeper understanding of psychotropic medications and their impact. Over the past fiscal year, 381 Durham Region staff received training through MCCSS funding of $40,000.