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Caregiver Coffee Club

  • Lake Ridge Community Support Services 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 8 Whitby, ON, L1N 6A9 Canada (map)

Parents and caregivers get together virtually to discuss topics of their interest and choosing.  Facilitators will be on hand to maintain the safety and dignity of all present and to gather notes on resources and information shared by other caregivers so that all participants can immerse themselves in the discussions with each other.  

Where: Caregiver Coffee Connect will be delivered via Google Meet.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Connect with others who are caring for a child or teen with ASD/Autistic child/teen to: 

    • Find support within the caregiver community

    • Learn what other parents/caregivers have learned and tried while supporting their children and youth with ASD/autistic child/youth

    • Discuss challenges they have faced and receive suggestions from others who have faced the same challenges

    • Brainstorm strategies together in a supportive and understanding environment

    • Feel a sense of community and strength within the ASD caregiving community

September 26

Crisis Prevention and Management for Caregivers (Part 2)

October 10

Understanding the New OAP