Lake Ridge Community Support Services planning to slowly resume face-to-face services beginning July 6, 2020.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - As the government continues to move forward with their planning and communication regarding next steps, our team at Lake Ridge Community Support Services is also working on moving forward. 

Given the recent government announcements regarding moving to stage 2, allowing gatherings of up to 10 people and childcare centres opening we are continually monitoring the situation and preparing our Agency and staff to start the transition back to in-person service. 

Since March 16, 2020 we have been providing Telehealth services to continue supporting our children, youth, adults and caregivers. Telehealth service has been very effective for some but not for all. We are eager to resume face to face services for our children, youth, adults and caregivers as soon as possible. 

Over the last few weeks we have been busy developing a plan to start offering in-person services again at our Lake Ridge locations that prioritizes the safety of our staff and clients. Our planning includes training for all staff, having an appropriate supply of sanitizer and cleaner/disinfectants, as well as an appropriate amount of personal protective equipment (e.g., masks, gloves, gowns) available. As many of our services involve our staff being within the 6-foot distance we are working on implementing new protocols and procedures to ensure everyone’s safety. The safety of our staff, clients, caregivers and visitors is our top priority. 

Barring no changes from the government, or with the current situation, we are planning to slowly resume face to face services, at our Lake Ridge locations only, starting July 6, 2020. Over the coming weeks our clinicians will be contacting our current clients and caregivers to discuss service readiness and a transition plan for resuming face to face services and scheduling your visit. This transition plan will be based on the information our clinicians gather using surveys, questionnaires and conversations with clients and/or caregivers. Telehealth services will continue to be a service option for most clients and caregivers. As we get closer to July 6th, 2020 additional information will be shared regarding what to expect as we come back together. 

Thank you to everyone for your patience throughout this interruption in service. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!


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