COVID-19 “province-wide emergency brake” Update

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Earlier this afternoon, Premier Ford announced that Ontario is implementing a “province-wide emergency brake” that will remain in place for the next four weeks. Lake Ridge Community Support Services will remain open to continue offering both in-person and virtual services during this period. All locations are equipped with an adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaners and have strict COVID-19 protocols in place. We ask that all clients and caregivers make every effort to follow our guidelines including our screening, sanitizing and masking requirements to help keep everyone safe. We will continue to have a strong adherence, with zero tolerance, to our screening and service guidelines; as well as following Public Health guidelines. Should you have any concerns about the service you are receiving, please contact a member of your clinical team.

As we are considered an essential service, some of our staff have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. As this is private and confidential health information, we will not be sharing whether staff have been vaccinated.

As a reminder, in February some of the guidelines from Durham Public Health changed. Below are the guidelines that will remain in place:

*If anyone in your household has at least one COVID-19 symptom or is waiting for test results after experiencing symptoms you must stay home.

*Stay home until the person with symptoms gets a negative COVID-19 test result, is cleared by public health, or is diagnosed with another illness.

Please work with your Clinical team should this apply to you or anyone in your household. When returning to in-person service, a copy of the negative test result, public health clearance or doctor’s note will be required. If none of these options are applicable to you, you must remain away from in-person service for 10 days and be 24 hours symptom-free before returning.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your clinical team.


Director's signature

Sandie Hoskin Executive Director


Ontario's April "Stay-at-Home" Order and how it affects services at LRCSS


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