Face-to-face services are suspended until further notice effective March 16, 2020 at Lake Ridge Community Support Services

15-MAR-2020 - Given the continuously changing situation in Durham Region and Ontario with the COVID-19 virus, Lake Ridge Community Support Services with much deliberation has decided to suspend all face-to-face services for the next three weeks, effective Monday March 16, 2020.  We plan to resume face-to-face services when it is safe to do so.  We are making this decision to help proactively stop the potential spread of the virus and ensure the safety of our clients, families, mediators and staff.


At this time a clinician will be in contact with you to determine an appropriate plan for your services.  We will be offering service by telephone during this time.

Please continue to follow us on social media and our website for updates.  If you have any questions about service, please call our main office at 905-666-9688.

Additional notes:

For more information about COVID-19, please refer to the following resources:

Covid-19 announcement. 15-MAR-2020

Remember — Proper hand hygiene is the best way to prevent the spread of infection.

If you or a family member are feeling sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should:

  • Stay home. Except for seeking medical care, avoid contact with others.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

Symptoms to watch for:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Full-body rash

  • Diarrhea

All Durham Region Health Department resources are updated regularly. If you are seeking more information about COVID-19, and what you can do to keep yourself and your family healthy, the Durham Region Health Department website is a key resource and can be found at https://www.durham.ca/en/health-and-wellness/novel-coronavirus-update.aspx or you can contact them directly at 1-800-841-2729.


What to do with your children for the next 3 weeks amid social distancing for COVID-19


April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day