Client Service

Fee Based Program

LRCSS continues to grow and evolve as our community needs change in the new Ontario Autism Program. We are proud of the success of our current clients and families and happy to have many of them back with us for another round of service. We are also excited to build new relationships with new families who come through our doors. 

We are proud of our intake and coordination team, who have helped us successfully transition our waitlist to an email list where all families have equal opportunity to choose a package of available services when they are ready and willing to start. 

We continue to offer focused, consultative and group services.  Our group services included fee based groups for children, youth and adults focusing on a variety of topics from social and communication skills to relationships and emotional regulation.

We announced a new service, the S.A.F.E. HUB: Sexuality Awareness for Everyone. Our S.A.F.E. HUB is a collection of individualized, group, caregiver and professional services designed to promote sexual education and overall well-being for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.


Fee Based Service Statistics

266 families served.
92 group clients.
399 clients waiting.
76% were new clients.
24% were returning clients.
67% served in person.
26% served in groups.
5% served virtually.
38% served in a hybrid model.