Lake Ridge Community Support Services

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Novel coronavirus update from the Durham Region Health Department

5-MAR-2020 - According to the Durham Region Health Department as of March 4, 2020, two positive cases of coronavirus have been reported in Durham Region (Ajax).

As a result, we ask that any visitors that are feeling unwell, please contact our office at 905-666-9866 and reschedule your appointment for a later date. We sincerely appeciate your patience and support. We strive to keep our staff, clients and their families safe.

Read more below.

5-MAR-2020 - According to the Durham Region Health Department as of March 4, 2020, two positive cases of coronavirus have been reported in Durham Region (Ajax).

Both cases were discharged home on self-isolation. The Health Department continues to monitor the situation closely and all individuals who have had a potential exposure to COVID-19 will be contacted by the Health Department and given public health advice specific to their level of exposure. This advice includes specific directions for how to prevent further spread and what to do should they develop symptoms.


Currently, only people who have travelled to affected areas within 14 days of having symptoms or people who have been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 may be at risk.

Public health risk is continually reassessed as new information becomes available.

Lake Ridge Community Support Services asks that all visitors follow the information posted on the Durham Region Health Department website:


Travellers who have returned from Hubei Province, China or Iran need to:

Contact Durham Region Health Department at 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729 within 24 hours of arriving in Canada.

Durham Region Health Department will provide further information about how to effectively home isolate and monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

Travellers who have returned from mainland China (not Hubei Province), Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Singapore and South Korea should:

Monitor themselves for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days after leaving the area of travel.  

Contact their health care provider and Durham Region Health Department if they experience symptoms of COVOID-19 or think they may have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19.


To reduce the spread of germs, including the novel coronavirus and the flu, Lake Ridge Community Support Services will be continuing with the following practices:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer when hands are not visibly dirty.

  • Shield coughs and sneezes with a tissue, elbow or shoulder.

  • Avoid touching your face and clean hands before touching eyes, nose or mouth.

  • Avoid shaking hands.

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and toys daily, especially those that are high-touch areas.

  • No sharing of water bottles, straws, eating utensils.

  • If you are ill, stay home and keep yourself away from others.

As always, children should be kept home from school or treatment if:

  • They have a higher than normal temperature.

  • Are throwing up or have diarrhea.

  • Their eyes are pink and crusty.

  • They have a cough that keeps them awake.

  • They have a sore throat.

We also ask that any visitors that are feeling unwell, please contact our office and reschedule your appointment for a later date.

All Durham Region Health Department resources are updated regularly. If you are seeking more information about COVID-19, and what you can do to keep yourself and your family healthy, the Durham Region Health Department website is a key resource and can be found at: or you can contact them directly at 1-800-841-2729.